Of course! Here's a back to school to-do list for a teacher:
- Set up and organize the classroom layout.
- Decorate the classroom with educational posters and personal touches.
- Create a welcoming bulletin board for the first day.
- Prepare lesson plans for the first week.
- Organize and label supplies and materials.
- Set up a system for tracking student attendance and grades.
- Plan icebreaker activities to get to know the students.
- Review the curriculum and standards for the upcoming year.
- Prepare a syllabus and classroom rules to share with students.
- Set up a communication plan with parents (newsletters, emails, etc.).
- Arrange books and reading materials in the classroom library.
- Create a schedule for classroom jobs and responsibilities.
- Prepare emergency lesson plans.
- Check technology and equipment (computers, projectors, etc.).
- Organize a teacher planner with important dates and deadlines.
- Review and update student IEPs and 504 plans as needed.
- Plan for any special events or projects in the first month.
- Coordinate with other teachers and staff for cross-curricular activities.
- Stock up on personal classroom supplies (sticky notes, pens, etc.).
- Set personal goals for professional development.
Would you like to create a new to-do list with these items, or would you prefer to add them to an existing list?